Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Belfast Riots / Protests

Well the Protesters are getting a bit of bad press regarding disrupting traffic, workers and shoppers.
It's been done many, many times before in the history of Belfast / Northern Ireland.  

It was more than likely foreseen that taking the flag down would cause problems in the way of protests and riots. So surely it could have been left until after christmas if the powers that be didn't want to have christmas all disrupted. More than likely it was chosen to be done now to make the protestants look as bad as possible.

What are the opinions of the Great British Public on the Main Land???

Monday, 10 December 2012

Planned Violence

Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness, says recent violence over the flying of the union flag at Belfast City Hall was orchestrated.

Well yes Martin.........I would say it more than likely was.  

Martin McGuinness is a man who should know planned violence when he sees it; since he's had quite a bit to do with planned violence / riots etc. himself over the years.

How many police officers have been injured during republican / nationalist violence???? Mmmmm!!! 

We could all bitch, nit pick point the finger and shake our heads and drag things up as much as we like but is isn't going to solve the problem here in this country.

The individuals in power in this country are not rational adults, they are;

  1. big children
  2. huffs
  3. blackmailers
  4. taking "back-handers"
  5. have a major dose of "selective memory" syndrome thrown into the mix.

Not to mention that quite a few of them are ex-criminals / terrorists.  Now lets think on that one for a moment........?

Yes, third world country's have murderers, criminals and terrorists in power.  Not the western world................. Oh but Northern Ireland is the acception.  Main Land Britain don't really want us, I think they see us as a dirty little scab they would like not to be there.  Ireland don't really want us as they really can not afford us.  Plus where would all the unemployed get their unemployment benefit from??  Would they still want Britain to subsidize them with the Great British Pound???

Northern Ireland needs a political clear out!!

Breeding Hate




                                     Northern Ireland 



It is the past being dragged into the future.  

No one moves forwards by dragging the past with them..........

Remember it do not hold onto it. 

Teach the the truth, not the myth. 

Hate breeds hate. 

Acceptance breeds acceptance.

Respect breeds respect.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Porn.......whats the craic?

Well it would seem as small and shapeless as possible.

Men love to believe that all the women in porn are "gagging" for it, horned up vixens who all "Ooooh!", "Ahhhh!" and "Oh yeah baby just like that"!

Now its all well and good as long as it is kept in perspective.  Props are used to make the girls / women look wet or to make it look like they are squirting like some sort of water fountain.  The scary thing is a lot of young people who are watching this believe it, take it as being reality.  Now this brings about an idea in females that they need to perform like the porn ACTRESSES do.  Cue the distorted body images my tits aren't facing out or up the right way, I've got cellulite, I'm not wet enough, the list could continue.  I was surprised and shocked though the other week at what was being classified as a fat or chubby girl on a porn site.  The girls / women being categorize as fat or chubby were of normal averaged size.  What is this saying to our young men and women?

These girls / women are being paid to do this.  Do they have much self-worth or respect for themselves?  Personally the jury is out on that one for me.  They can claim to be as confident and happy with themselves as they like, no one will really know the truth, maybe not even the women themselves.  It's kind of like the overweight person who declares they are very happy with the way they are and love themselves.  This maybe true, then again it may not.  Some people are very good at lying to themselves.

Slight Topic Divert - Air-Brushing
I remember going out with a guy, this one time he was intensively looking at a sloggy underwear advert on the back of a magazine; a row of women's bums in the sloggy knicker's, photo-shopped to the hilt.  He went on to disbelieve me when I told him that adverts such as that one (and all other's) are photo-shopped and air-brushed.  He thought it was all real and natural, the same guy also said to me one time "Why don't you wear a lot of make up? You should try it, it looks nice"  There will always be shallow people.

 Pornographic images have become quite the norm nowadays it would seem.  Most of our female Pop stars such as @Rihanna (to mention only one) and A ( B / C / D) List celebrities look like they are ready for a soft porn shoot.  Which I do find disturbing as our young children are idolizing these people.  Girls (increasingly younger) want to be and look like them and boys are coming to the belief that this is how girls and women should look and behave.
I have two young daughters and I don't expose them in our home to Pop videos or the mind numbing popular soaps.  Don't get me wrong I don't go about covering their eyes when we are out and about but  a hell of a lot of Pop videos are soft porn.  It's selling sex to children from, well birth if they are brought up viewing such things.

As individuals we need to assess what we allow to pass as the norm, we can't just put everything down to "Times are changing".  

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

The Soul Makes it's Own Family

I remember a college tutor saying one day in class "the soul makes it's own family".

At the time the words she said didn't really mean much to me.  I thought it was a nice idea but all I had at the time was my immediate family(Mother, Father and Grandparents), my boyfriend (now husband) and a handful of gatherings a year with my three cousins, aunt and uncle.
I found it difficult to make and keep friendships, so therefore the idea of my soul making its own family was a pipe dream.
I felt awkward and unnatural mixing with new people.

I wasn't encouraged to mix with people my own age, in fact looking back now as an adult with my own children my mother didn't want me to do this. She never said it but her actions spoke it so loud.
I used to think there was "there is something wrong with me........ why can't I make friends...... why don't I have friends I can play with, meet with and hang around with!!"
My social life was school, (where I got bullied and felt I didn't fit in.  I see now this was down to my lack of social skills, not that there was actually something wrong with me) the rest of my time was spent at home with my parents, with grandparents or out drinking with my uncle who was 9 years older than me.   YES, I began drinking at a very early age........my first "special coke" (vodka and coke) was at the tender and confused age of 8!  And from there it continued, I loved the buzz and as I grew older, began collage, then work alcohol was the only way I could cope with being out socializing; the false confidence it gave felt good but more often than not I'm sure I was a complete idiot.  Really I didn't feel happy or comfortable with any of it.  I remember one time at a family members birthday party, my uncle buying me drink, I managed to drink 10 pints of cider (at the age of 12), needless to say I was in a bad state, yet nothing was said by anyone!  It was all normalized or brushed under the the carpet (which was where everything seemed to be put).
God knows what my liver was / is like with all the abuse it has taken in the past.

Flying The Flag


Just throwing out some ideas and thoughts here.

A Flag; coloured cloth sewn together and embellished with designs and or symbols, so we as individuals can feel a sense of belonging and have an identity.

They have their place.

They serve a role.

They are used during war.  Nations / individuals have killed over the name of a flag and the country it belongs to.

People take pride in their flag.

Flag's in Northern Ireland are very political, a hot topic.

Northern Ireland is a part of the British Empire. So shouldn't the Union Flag fly on top of the Belfast City Hall?
Yes.  As Belfast is Officially a British City.  That is the fact of the matter.
I am British, my passport and where I was born say so.  The Union Flag is my counrty's flag.

I do not however think that killing and or dying for the sake of a flag is necessary.

There are many Country's in the world which have high populations of individuals from other Country's living in them, do they feel the urge or need to debate the fact that the flag of the Country in which they are living to not be flown on the top of City Halls or state buildings?

With flags come different beliefs and cultural differences.  But look at the many different beliefs and differences which gather under the name of one flag.

Can we not as a world accept the differences?  Murders have been and are being wrongly committed over flags and the beliefs surrounding them.

Like big children in the playground with deadly weapons we seem to continue.