Thursday, 20 September 2012

One big pyjama party

Some individuals make me want to vomit.

They spend most of their days in their pyjamas, have no intention of working, take everything they can get and want to give nothing.
Their homes are colour matching, with big pretentious vases or ornaments in the front window's.
They are generally scamming the life out of the welfare system and seem to think it is their right to do so.

Do you know many people like this?

I am living among them!!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Get some soul

"The soul of this man is his clothes"

Quite sadly this is so true of many of us these days......not just the man Shakespeare was thinking of when he wrote those few words.
We do seem to live in a "Material World".

Sucked in by the media and sleepwalking.

Possessions and wealth is of more importance to the masses than anything else; be it there children, health or the common good of the world on which we live and are supported by.

Saturday, 8 September 2012


The God we are taught of in the Western world was written about and taught of by men.
To control the masses.


I believe even if I woke up where I needed to be I would still be late!!
I have just over two hours to get me and the kids ready in the mornings and I still manage to run late!!
I know what I need to do, I can do it, yet fatigue gets the better of me and I "loose" time!
In bed by 10pm or before most week nights, so what is the deal there?
Frustration central

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

North Belfast

What a NEANDERTHAL state of affairs.

What is the Parades Commission all about if one side has to wait for a March to be given the okay and the the other just goes ahead and Marches without going through this process??

Lets all wait until "Home Time" so we can gather and throw rock's at dusk!!