Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Lovely neighbours!!!

I have neighbours who think its ok to let their dog's out in the court we live in to crap everywhere!  Outside my house and every other house but theirs!
They must think that we are all blind to their crapping dogs, and they would deny it is their dogs doing it!  Sadly they are the type of family you couldn't talk to about the problem as they would probably slash you car tyres or put dog crap right at your front door.  This family occupies not 1 house but 3 houses in a court of 14 and has 5 dogs between them.  These are the people I live amongst.  I feel like my family and me don't belong here!!  Moral and social standards are gutter low!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Knowing you

Never assume that you know a person.  You may think that you know them but then caught off guard by this assuming you find yourself confused and hurt!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

House work

House work/running your home.  How many people struggle with this task?

I myself have peaks and and dips.  Everyone always has clean clothes and underwear but I can't help but feel overwhelmed by clutter, laundry, washing up and paperwork.
With paper work: what to shred of file away.  How many of you have though "I'll shred that" only to find in a week or month or so you should have kept it!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012



It is such an immense fear, one that we all have.  I don't believe you if you say you do not fear rejection.
It is such a damaging, destructive feeling/emotion, if you let it rule you.

My life was ruled by fear, fear of rejection amongst other things.  It was a pressurised container of a life.  So much fear, the fear of life itself outside of what I was experiencing and knew.


Denying your fear is not the way to go.  If you deny something you cannot own it.  You've got to own your feelings, they don't belong to anyone else.  Accept the fear is yours, hold it, look straight at it. Know it.  Understanding something makes it less "scary".

Hold it.
Own it.
Know it.
Say "Not today".